Entries for Archive "2024"
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1An idiotic man was photographed peeing in the bento corner of a Family Mart in Nagoya.
3Luxury brand Tiffany & Co. has installed a ‘beg button’ on its online shopping site / service where men who are begged pay.
4[UK] Beautiful girl earns 14 million yen a year by selling her worn socks! Started her business after Instagram followers asked her to sell them.
5A beautiful female doctor who is too muscular has become a hot topic on social networking sites.
6Japanese beauty who became a very popular sexy actress in the US: ‘I wanted to be a politician’ and ‘my annual income is just under 300 million yen’
7[Brazil] Fights broke out between women on the street.
8[Ecuador] Man suddenly masturbates in taxi with Uber female driver.
9[Brazil] Wife enters the scene of her husband's affair.
10Russian woman who stole, had her hair shaved and peed on with clippers.